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Molecular Hydrogen

Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a gas made of two hydrogen atoms bonded together. Hydrogen has the greatest diffusion and effusion capacity of all gases due to its low molecular weight. Molecular hydrogen may be the only antioxidant small enough to enter and repair the DNA found in the mitochondria and nucleus of the cells. It also has almost perfect antioxidant properties that selectively neutralizing destructive reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body without disrupting beneficial oxidative species such as nitric oxide. This protects mitochondrial function; and mitochondria are the power houses of the cell that make energy. A healthy gut microbiome makes about 10 liters of molecular hydrogen per day, which are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed to every cell of the body. No other chemical reactions in the body produce molecular hydrogen. The assessment of hydrogen gas production can be done with a breath test. Studies show persons living to 100 years of age produce large amounts of hydrogen gas and person's with chronic illnesses produce lesser amounts. Prebiotics such as inulin and psyllium increase the production of hydrogen gas from the microbiome. Molecular hydrogen can be administered through inhalation, drinking hydrogen-infused water or "hydrogen tablets" which effervesces in water. Historically, molecular hydrogen gas has been used in combination with other gases for very deep sea diving.  To date, no cytotoxicity has been reported from the therapeutic use of molecular hydrogen. 


Hippocrates Research Foundation learned that Seyfried's Protocol was much more effective on the dogs being treated for cancer at the Ketopet Sanctuary when the dogs were dewormed and their GI health addressed. In humans, psyllium was added to protect the GI tract from the effects of DON, which is a pillar of Seyfried's Protocol. Again, Seyfried's Protocol became much more effective. It took some time to realize molecular hydrogen production may be a partial mechanism of action to explain the positive effects from psyllium and healing the gut of dogs when treating cancer.


Dr. Johannes Coy is a world renowned scientist that discovered the TKTL1 gene associated with cancer. He hypothesized the role of the TKTL1 gene was related to cancer cell metabolism, notably the Warburg Effect. Furthermore, Dr. Coy showed that the sugars galactose and trehalose could be used as adjunct treatments for cancer. Hippocrates Research Foundation had several discussions with Dr. Coy about our work using Seyfried's Protocol to treat cancer. We also  tested his products which contained the sugars galactose and trehalose. Contrary to Dr. Coys findings, we showed his products with galactose and trehalose increased blood glucose levels. Then we discovered published research showing galactose and trehalose greatly increase molecular hydrogen gas production. Possibly, the effects of molecular hydrogen gas production could help explain the effects of galactose and trehalose as an adjunct treatment for cancer. 


For the treatment of cancer, the use of a hydrogen generator is most common. Hydrogen generators split distilled water into hydrogen and oxygen gases. Patients breathe this combination of gases through a nasal cannula at a rate of 1 to 3 liters of hydrogen per minute for 4 or more hours per day. Many patients elect breath this mixture of hydrogen and oxygen while they sleep. We know of patients clever enough to plumb these gases into their CPAP machines. The optimal dose of hydrogen is not yet clear, but there are no reports of toxicity. Additionally, hydrogen can be bubbled through water for drinking. Studies show higher blood levels of hydrogen can be obtained in the blood from drinking the water compared to inhalation. However, blood levels of hydrogen dissipate to near zero in minutes after either drinking or breathing hydrogen. 


Most hydrogen generators are made in China, Japan, or South Korea. Workin with manufacturers of hydrogen generators from these countries has proven to be difficult. Hippocrates Research foundation has bought two hydrogen generators made in America. The two products we bought were the AquaCure and H2 Impact by Hydrogenie. The products cost about the same amount, look and perform in a very similar fashion. However, we prefer the H2 Impact by Hydrogenie. 



Molecular Hydrogen Therapy for the Treatment of Cancer

This is a thorough review that summarizes the findings from numerous articles on the mechanism, treatment outcomes and overall effectiveness of Molecular Hydrogen Therapy on the treatment and management of cancer.


Molecular Hydrogen Gas Effective Treatment for most Chronic Illnesses

Hydrogen Gas has been studied as early as 1975 to treat squamous cell cancer of the skin, but only in year 2007 was it revisited and discovered to reduce cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) that caused damage in brain ischemia-reperfusion injuries. Since then it has been tested as a therapeutic agent to treat a multitude of diseases including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, ALS, rheumatoid arthritis, brain injury, diabetes, heart attacks and cancer.

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